In The News: Press Releases

Prostate Cancer Mission holds prostate cancer awareness event
It was a busy month as the Prostate Cancer Mission launched a wildly successful prostate cancer awareness event. Stay tuned as we bring you the highlights and updates.
1) PROMOTING THE EVENT ON 99 JAMZ (click here)
PCM Chairman Arnon Krongrad, MD joins Maestro on 99 JAMZ, South Florida's only hip-hop station, to discuss diet, the role of women, and the epidemic of prostate cancer.
2) PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT (click here)
You can view the photos, watch a slide show, and even order prints.
CBS4 morning hostess Cynthia Demos describes the prostate exam.
4) A STORY FROM RIGHT TO LEFT (click here; pdf)
In the wake of Ehud Olmert's prostate cancer diagnosis, the Israeli community became much more aware and got involved.
5) THE TALKS (click here)
See and hear the speakers and panels