In The News: Press Releases

Krongrad Institute Joins Cayman Island Conference
In an effort to improve international collaboration for patient care, Jackson Memorial Hospital - International organized and conducted a first-of-kind conference on Grand Cayman. Working with the Cayman Health Services Authority, the conference included experts on trauma, cardiology, critical care, neurology, and disaster management. The audience of some 200 health care professionals included the HSA leadership and various primary and specialist medical personnel.
Among the speakers was Arnon Krongrad, MD, President of the Krongrad Institute for laparoscopic prostate cancer surgery, which has set up a collaboration with JMH-I. Dr. Krongrad spoke about prostate cancer diagnosis with the prostate PSA test, prostate cancer treatment, and related matters.
Said Shai Gold, Vice President of JMH-I: "The conference is part of our collaborative approach to regional cooperation with our peers. Given the high incidence of prostate cancer in the Caribbean basin, we are committed to addressing the need for early prostate cancer diagnosis and prostate cancer treatment. We are excited by the partnership with the Krongrad Institute and the very high level of prostate surgery it brings to our collaborations. Patients from throughout the Caribbean basin and beyond now have access to a seamless system of excellent multi-disciplinary care and first-class service."